Pablo Paillole

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Pablo Paillole is a Spanish-born LGBTQ+ emerging digital artist and cultural researcher.

In 2019, he graduated with a BA Fine Art and Theatre from Lancaster University, specialising in interdisciplinary creation between moving image and performance. Paillole started Backlit Gallery’s Funded Studio Residency 2019-2021, where he experiments and creates new artworks. His work ‘The Ecstasy of Communications’ (2019) was selected for New Contemporaries 2020, an artist development programme and exhibition opening shortly at South London Gallery. Also commissioned by New Contemporaries, he created the sound piece ‘no need at all to mention the [inaudible]’ (2020).

As a creative freelancer, Paillole also employs his broad skill set and frequently draws from his arts practice’s interests and processes to design and lead workshops for diverse audiences. He has delivered two collage workshops within South London Gallery’s family-friendly programme ‘Sunday Spot’ and another two interactive online workshops on ‘Popular Culture in Contemporary Art’ aimed at secondary school pupils.

Paillole is deeply immersed in and committed to his creative development, which involves researching the archive’s potential and role in contemporary visual culture while developing related projects and seeking funding or commission opportunities.

WEBSITE: Pablo Paillole